AGEMERA reconaissance trip to Mina Concepción

AGEMERA reconaissance trip to Mina Concepción

Another AGEMERA field trip took place, this time in Spain, to visit the facilities of Mina Concepción (Huelva region)

On February 1st, researchers from Lithica SCCL and GEO3BCN (CSIC) together with representatives of Sandfire Matsa carried out a reconaissance fieldtrip in Mina Concepción (Huelva, Spain). Mining activities of the old open pit ended in the late 80s, but the area is now being prospected for underground potential.

Application of innovative geophysical methods to the detection of subsurface ore bodies is one of the main goals of the AGEMERA project. In this site, ambient noise seismic methods will be tested for underground mapping of massive sulfide ore bodies. The main goal of the trip was to understand the geological setting of the area and start planning logistic and geometry of the seismic campaign. The first data will be available this spring, so stay tuned to discover what these methods are capable of in this type of settings!

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