Our Approach
Wide Range of Action
We will conduct extensive geological and geophysical surveys across 4700 km^2, in 7 target sites in Europe (Finland, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Spain, Bulgaria, Poland, and Germany) and one in Africa (Zambia). Within the target areas, we will survey the local communities' concerns and hopes related to mineral exploration and mining, and evaluate their perception of SLO (Social Licence to Operate) and SLE (Social Licence to Explore).

Novel Technologies
We will demonstrate 3 non-invasive methods of surveying, which will be combined with other near-surface geophysical methods and existent geological information for a clear picture of the Critical Raw Material (CRM) potential in that area.

Critical Raw Materials Database
We will compile the data that resulted from the surveys into a EDGI compatible, GIS format database to guide future mineral exploring.

Educational Resources on Critical Raw Materials
We will raise awareness of the role of CRM in our modern world through educational kits, courses, workshops, and online material.

Surveying Citizen Perceptions
We survey local communities' concerns and hopes related to mineral exploration and mining. The anonymised results will be published.
A secure and sustainable supply of
Critical Raw Materials in Europe
Critical Raw Materials in Europe