Understanding how local communities
perceive exploration and mining in their region

The AGEMERA survey aims to provide answers on how different local communities in Europe and Zambia feel look at mineral exploration and mining activities in their home region – their concerns and uncertainties, their hopes and aspirations, their views of the future. The survey inquires about…
  • Governance and corporate conduct 
    Company ethics, the role of legislation, authorities’ responsibilities, and trust in political decision-making
  • Community engagement
    Opportunities for locals, acceptance of the extractive sector, and local effects of mining activities
  • Economic and environmental implications
    Distribution of costs and benefits, the role of consumption and the impact of mining and exploration on ecosystems

Testing across 5 countries

Results show strong engagement and promising response completion rates.

Pilot survey in Finland, spring 2023

  • 1097 Participants
  • 293 Respondents

International survey testing in Estonia,
Germany, Poland and Zambia

  • 3017 Participants
  • 1068 Respondents
  • 849 Partial Respondents


The survey will be further developed for free access by industry
or research institutes after the project ends in July 2025. 


Check out our video

below to have a clearer idea of how perceptions of exploration and mining can differ from one individual and community to another.