AGEMERA joins the UNECE's Resource Management Week in Geneva

AGEMERA joins the UNECE's Resource Management Week in Geneva

The event served as the perfect opportunity to spread the word about our project, but also to strengthen our cooperation and knowledge exchange with sister projects

Every once in a while, we have the opportunity to join inspiring events, where we realise once again the importance of our mission and how everything connects. And if there's one thing we should all never give up on, it's our commitment to secure a sustainable future for our children.

Recently, we joined the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE)'s series of events that took place within the so-called Resource Management Week, in Geneva. The event featured a series of sessions focusing on related topics, from the UNFC and UNRMS as catalysts in transforming raw materials management, to the role of minerals in the energy transition, the various applications of UNFC, and global initiatives and case studies on sustainability. 

Md Ariful Islam, our colleague from TU Bergakademie Freiberg, delivered a presentation on the use of UNFC and UNRMS in higher education, introducing the esteemed audience to the university courses we launched. Also, together with our coordinator Jari Joutsenvaara, they connected with two of our sister projects who happened to be at the same event, SEMACRET and VECTOR

We're joyful to have been a part of such prestigious event! And already looking forward to future opportunities to disseminate our results...

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