Polish partners take AGEMERA to two different events

Polish partners take AGEMERA to two different events

Representatives from our KGHM Cuprum have joined two separate events in June, an opportunity they used to promote the project and its preliminary results 

Just like we grew to expect from our partners at KGHM Cuprum, they have been incredibly proactive in promoting the project lately, be it at international conferences and schools, or on a local level, attending various events in Poland. This time, between 12 and 15 June, Krzysztof Fuławka and Agnieszka Urbańska-Ciszek went to Katowice, to take part in the ESOF2024 event, which reunited more than 3500 participants and included 135 speeches and 10 keynote speeches - and it was amazing to hear that people in science and beyond became familiar with AGEMERA and the impact it will have on society. 

And there is more! Between 18 and 21 June, Krzysztof and Lech Stolecki traveled to Barcelona, for ISC7 - the 7th international conference on Geotechnical and Geophysical Site Characterisations, with the theme "Ground models, from big data to engineering judgement". Our colleagues presented the progress we have made so far in Task 4.5, where we develop a model for spatial validation of results coming from innovative, passive monitoring systems. Ever since 1998, this event has been an oppportunity for geotechnical engineers, geologists and geophysicists from all across the globe to reunite and exchange knowledge and experiences. Thank you, team!


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