AGEMERA industry partner joins environment-focused conference in Etropole, Bulgaria

AGEMERA industry partner joins environment-focused conference in Etropole, Bulgaria

One of our industry partners, Asarel-Medet, a Bulgarian company activating in copper extraction and production, has recently taken part in a national conference on the topic of responsible mining and took advantage of the opportunity to present AGEMERA's mission and role in the twin transition

This week's news come from southeastern Europe: one of our partners in Bulgaria, Asarel-Medet JSC, took part in the national conference "Environmental aspects in the mining branch of Bulgaria" on 16-17 May 2024 in the town of Etroplole. The event attracted participants from the academic society, governmental institutions, designing organisations and leading mining companies in the country. Sixteen scientific reports were presented at the conference on good practices in the area of environmental sustainability and management of mineral resources. 

Desislav Ivanov, the chief geologist of the Mine Engineering Department of Asarel-Medet, conducted a presentation about our project and its focus on unlocking Europe's critical raw material potential. As a matter of fact, Asarel-Medet is the only Bulgarian industrial company that is taking part in this innovative project, alongside the Geological Institute of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences. The world demand of critical raw materials is rapidly increasing as a result of the transition to the more environmentally friendly technologies, the production of green energy, but also the striving for a more digital world. The purpose of the project is to increase the geological understanding of the explored ore regions and improve their genetic models. The European Union will have more information regarding critical raw materials in terms of basic ore and accompanying products", explained eng. Desislav Ivanov. 


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