AGEMERA takes part in ZIMEC 2023

AGEMERA takes part in ZIMEC 2023

ZIMEC (The Zambia International Mining & Energy Conference) is a key event in the field of exploration in Africa

We can always count on our partners to spread the news about our project - this time, it was our colleagues from Radai who made sure the word about AGEMERA traveled far... quite literally, as they joined the ZIMEC event in Africa. 

ZIMEC, short for the Zambia International Mining and Energy Conference, is an annual event that attracts a variety of stakeholders. This year, the event counted more than 500 attendees from 20 countries and featured more than 50 exhibition stands. Its theme was "Investing in Zambia, Mine to Market, Clean Energy and the Sustainable Development of Future Minerals".

Our partners promoted AGEMERA to local entities and companies, emphasising its innovative technologies that aim to make exploration more sustainable. They also had the opportunity to catch up with our colleagues from UNZA (the University of Zambia) and discuss the field trips they set out to do as part of their work in AGEMERA (more news about that in a couple of months!). 

The timing of the conference was perfect, as critical raw materials are now a big topic of conversation in Zambia, at government level and not only. The country is aiming to increase copper production to 3 million tonnes annually in 10 years, a stark increase from its current 850,000 tonnes per year. Our project is actually contributing towards this goal as well. You can read more about this evolution here

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